Category Archives: Meeting Minutes

September 17, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.

Meeting Minutes

September 17, 2016


1. Call to order

The second 2016 regular meeting of the RTLIA called to order at 9:01 am by Jason Klous.

 2.  Roll call

The following persons were present: Jason Klous, Jack LaMont, Vicki Breault, Reid McFarlane

  • Approval of Minutes

Roger Breault motioned to approve minutes from last meeting, Bill Heimkes second the motion. Motion approved

3. Treasurer’s Report

  1. Will be posted


4. Elections

Vice President – Vicki Breault nominated by Roger Breault; no other nominations for VP. Vicki Breault re-elected Vice President.

Long Trade Lake – Anne Tuttle nominated by Roger Breault; no other nominations for Long Trade Lake Officer. Anne Tuttle elected Long Trade Lake Officer.

Big Trade Lake – Reid McFarlane nominated by Tom Daellenbach no other nominations for Big Trade Lake Officer. Reid McFarlane re-elected Big Trade Lake Officer.

5. President’s Report

  1. June 1-Sept. 16 had 534 volunteer hour submitted on website. That number will increase as we submit more hours.

6. Officer Reports

a. Vicki (Vice President)

  1. Need people to sit at landing for Clean Boats Clean Water through end of Oct.
  2. Complete volunteer hours, submit on website or contact your lake rep.
  • Healthy Lakes Grant – 4 completed so far. More available for 2017. Complete form on website. Or contact any board member. Needed by Feb. 2017.

b. Jack (Long Trade Lake)

  1. Bridge Snapshot Day – Good turnout from RTLIA. Statewide effort to teach citizens about stream and lake monitoring for invasive species.
  2. Stream monitoring important has a huge impact on the health of our lakes.

c. Reid (Big Trade Lake)

  1. UW Extension will look at tax base on Big Trade Lake to determine percentage of town revenues come from lake properties.
  2. Motioned to seek information about percentage of town budget that come from lakeshore property owners in Laketown and Trade Lake townships. Neils Pomeroy second the motion. Motioned approved.

d. Bill (Round Lake)

  1. Concerned about water clarity on Round Lake.
  2. DNR will not be restocking walleye because they aren’t reproducing in the lake.

e. Dave Blummer, Lake Consultant, LEAPS

  1. We are paying for this through grants. Volunteer hours need to be submitted.
  2. Big Trade Lake – Treatment did a good job
  3. Little Trade Lake – Treatment worked well where we treated.
  4. Long Trade Lake – Treatment worked but still some detected. Reintroduce native aquatic plants.
  5. Round Lake – Treatment didn’t work, still plants detected on North and Eastern shoreline.


7. New Business

Big Trade Lake landing light, paying $315/yr. No other lights at other lakes in the association. Motion that the RTLIA stop paying for light at Big Trade Lake landing by Oct. 1. Second motion by Pete Kane. Discussion around having the town of Trade Lake take over the light but the township declined.  1 nay. Motioned passed.

 8. Adjournment

AnnDrea Benson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Second by Roger Breault.  Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 10:09 am.


Minutes submitted by Amy Klous, Marketing Committee Chair

August 20, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.

Meeting Minutes

August 20, 2016

 1. Call to order

The second 2016 regular meeting of the RTLIA called to order at 9:05 am by Jason Klous.

 2. Roll call

The following persons were present: Jason Klous, Tom Mayerhofer, Jack LaMont, Bill Paleen, Reid McFarland

3. Approval of Minutes

Roger Breault motioned to approve minutes from last meeting, Reid McFarland second the motion. Motion approved

4. Treasurer’s Report

  1. $15000 in the bank, $10,000 in grant receivable
  2. $6570 revenue
  3. Net loss $1900 but will be recouped through grants
  4. Dues up 53% over last year
  5. Neils motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report, Gene second the motion. Motion approved.

5. President’s Report

  1. September meeting is elections for VP and Long Trade and Big Trade Board seats
  2. Recap of treatments in 2016 at September meeting
  3. Next year is last year of AIS (treatment) grant

6. Officer Reports

  1. Jack (Long Trade Lake)
    1. Volunteer hours needed
    2. Statewide program September 10 9am-1pm for Bridge Snapshot. Statewide participation. We’ll be meeting at Café Wren for a training on invasive species then go visit our 9 sites we’re monitoring and collect, bring back and discuss. Free lunch provided by Café Wren.  All volunteer hours go towards AIS grant.
  2. Bill (Round Lake)
    1. Water quality was 4.5ft at the beginning of August, seems better than past
    2. Weeds seem better around outlet
  3. Reid (Big Trade Lake)
    1. Physical removal on Big Trade Lake – Didn’t see EWM in the areas they looked.

7. Patrick Goggin, Lake Specialist – UW Extension-Lakes

  1. Discussed the process for forming a Lake District
  2. See attachment for slide deck from presentation
  3. See link on their

8. Next Meeting

  1. 9 am on Saturday, September 17, 2016
  2. Elections for Vice President, Long Trade and Big Lake Board seats

9. Adjournment

Roger Breault made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Second by Roger Christianson.  Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:34 am.


Minutes submitted by Amy Klous, Marketing Committee Chair

September 20, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.

Meeting Minute

September 20, 2014


The meeting was called to order at 9:15 am by President Jason Klous, followed be the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of the officers was taken: Jason Klous, President, Rick Thill, Vice President,  Jack Lamont board member from Long Trade Lake, Bob Paleen board member from Round Lake and Reid McFarlane board member from Trade Lake were present. The meeting minutes from the August 16th 2014 meeting were not read.  A motion was made by Rick Thill  and seconded by Bill Piotrowski to accept the minutes as posted online. Motion carried. The Treasurers report was given based on the January 1 2014 through September 20, 2014 time frame. The report showed a net income for the period of $6634.48 and Total Assets of $24,643.57.  The checking account was $19682.10 and savings $4961.47.  A motion was made by Roger Breault and seconded by Kathy Mayerhofer to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.

New Business

  • Jason Klous stated that Rick Thill is stepping down from the Vice President position.  Jason thanked Rick  for his 12 years of service on the board.
  • Rick was the nominating committee.  He presented Vicki Breault for the vice president position.  He also stated since that no one came forth to represent Trade Lake, Reid McFarlane volunteer to continue in the position.  Jack LaMont will continue in the position of Long Trade Lake board member.
    • Voting took place for all the positions.  Vicki Breault is now the vice president, Reid McFarlane will continue as Trade Lake board member & Jack LaMont will continue as Long Trade Lake board member.
    • Dave Blumer gave the year end presentation as follows:
      • CLP Treatment:
        • Long Trade Lake
          • 5/28/2014 Herbicide – 4.89 acres treated
          • Pre/post treatment Survey
          • Aquatic Plant Survey
          • CLP was significantly knocked down
      • Round Lake
        • No treatment
      • Little Trade Lake
        • No herbicide management due to no access
        • Pre/post treatment survey
      • Big Trade Lake
        • 5/28/2014 Herbicide –  1.5 acres treated
        • Pre/post treatment survey


  • EWM Treatment:
    • Long Trade Lake
      • No herbicide
      • Physical removal
      • Fall survey not completed
      • Round Lake
        • 6/17/2014 Herbicide – 5.68 acres treated
        • Physical Removal
        • Fall survey not completed
      • Little Trade
        • No treatment
      • Big Trade Lake
        • No herbicide
        • Summer survey
        • Physical removal
        • Fall survey not completed


  • Dave presented the 2015 Management Proposal for CLP & EWM (This plan is dependent on the Fall Surveys)
    • Long Trade Lake:
      • Continue limited CLP work where EWM is present because it makes it easier to get to the EWM.
      • Treat CLP where it has been treated in past
      • Single treatment for CLP & EWM
      • Continue physical removal
  • Round Lake:
    • Continue EWM herbicide
    • Continue physical removal
  • Big Trade Lake:
    • Continue limited CLP work where EWM is present
    • Single treatment for CLP & EWM
    • Continue physical removal
  • Little Trade Lake:
    • Need to focus on most needed area to treat
    • Need to get access to lake whether by northwest bay, raising the bridge or public access
    • The areas with the most concentration of EWM & CLP was pointed out
    • New development on east side having an access may be required by the county/township.  Need to find resolution quickly and look into grants available for building a boat launch
    • DNR said we need a permit to build a silt fence
  • Native Aquatic Plant Restoration:
    • Install small test plots  primarily emergent but can also submerge aquatic plants along with fish sticks project.
    • Need a willing landowner to volunteer
    • Shoreline restoration grant is possible if paired with a Fishstick project which is wood debris placed in the lake on the shoreline.
    • There is also possible additional grant funding or existing grant money
    • Water Quality – can look on the 9/2/2012 Google Maps:
      • Blue-green algae can make animals & people sick.  It is not uncommon
      • Other items:
        • Natives keep nutrient down
        • Phosphorus is running into lake and we need to figure out how to manage the phosphorus going into the lakes.
        • Future direction summarization:
          • Continue limited CLP & EWM on all lakes
          • Start thinking about revisions of APM Plan
          • Explore public access in Little Trade
          • Restore native plants
          • Continue Purple Loosestrife beetle rearing
          • Consider larger comprehensive lake management plan for all 4 lakes


  • Additional issues or concerns:
    • Anndrea Benson asked if the fish are fine with the herbicide treatment.  Dave Blumer stated that the herbicides do not affect the fish.  She also stated that biodegradable balloons takes 3 years to decompose.
    • Rick stated there  was a phosphorous study was completed in the past and it isnatural loading on Round lake not from  farm runoff.
    • Jack LaMont stated tubers can be bought and we can have homeowners plant them.  May need permits to make sure the plant is native to the area.  Mats can be done with tubulars in that it helps to keep other plants down.  Matt Berg would probably assist.  Dave Blumer recommend taking baby steps.
    • Discussion followed regarding the landing on Little Trade.  Reid McFarlane suggested writing a letter to the county, township or Land & County Conservation officer .  Jason Klous stated the pursuing of a landing on Little Trade was part of 2015 plan.  Roger Breault suggested speaking with the developer of the new development to find out if they are planning a landing.

Rick Thill made a motion to adjourn.  Kathy Mayerhofer 2nd.  Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted

Laurie M Dezenzo


May 17, 2014 Meeting Minutes

May 17, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

–      The meeting was called to order at 9 am by President Jason Klous.

–      Pledge of allegiance

–      Roll call of the officers was taken: Jason Klous, President, Jack LaMont, Long Trade Lake board member, Bob Paleen, Round Lake board member were present.  Rick Thill, Vice President, Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer and Reid McFarland, Trade Lake board members were absent.

–      Motion made to accept the previous meeting minutes as posted on the RTLIA website.  Motion made by Bill Heimkes, seconded Merle Draper Motion passed.

–      Jason Klous read the financial statement provided by Laurie Dezenzo: Also posted on website for more detail.  Motion to accept as read by Roger Christenson and seconded by Merle Draper.  Motion passed

–      Jack Lamont summarized the survey results.  Available on the website.

–      President Klous updated the membership on the SEH status and contracting with LEAPS for the remainder of the grant cycle. .

–      President Klous also updated the membership on the contracts with LEAPS, Dale Dressel, and Matt Berg.

–      Dave Blumer updated the membership on the Spring treatment plan. “Aquatic Plant Management” goals were to

1. Reduce EWM in all 4 lakes to the lowest level possible.

2. Manage enough CLP at this time to make it easier to target EWM.

3. Minimize the impacts of purple loosestrife.  CLP management was not the goal.

–      July 19 is physical removal of EWM on all lakes, Rakes and nets needed.  EWM monitoring on all lakes at all times.  Get to know what it looks like.  Jason Klous asked for volunteers to raise beetles to control purple loosestrife. Leon Moe volunteered.  Dave and Jason to help set him up after meeting.

–      President Klous also asked for volunteers for other areas of focus needed for volunteers:

–      Water quality monitoring on all lakes.  Dave Blumer and Chris from the DNR to provide training after the meeting.

–      Clean Water Clean Boats, watercraft inspection.  Jack Lamont reported that Mike Malone volunteered for Long Trade Lake.

–      Dave Blumer suggested holding a Lake Fair/Public event to educate lakeshore owners and we need to have one this year.  What do we want to do?  Need to set up.  Board to select date and agenda.

  • For next grant cycle Dave Blumer advised:

–      Native aquatic plant restoration – focus on Long Trade but other lakes will benefit as well in 2015 and beyond.

–      New Aquatic Invasive Species Grant Application – continue to support management in all four lakes.

–      Watershed Management planning grant application – focused on making identifying trouble spots in the watershed and near shore area.

–      Jason Klous discussed EWM physical removal day and the plan is to come.  The suggestion was made by Dave Blumer that everyone meet on Round lake for training then disburse to your lakes.  Focus on Round Lake has biggest concentration.  All time will count towards the grant.  Please mark your time.

–      To get the grant we need to record our volunteer hours.  Report to your lake board member so they can be recorded.  Any improvement and monitoring counts!  We need hours to get new grant money, specifically on each lake.

–      Please get Fourth of July picnic schedules to Laurie Dezenzo by June 6.

–      Bob Paleen reported that due to poor attendance and feedback in the past, Round Lake will not have the 4th of July picnic but will have the boat parade.  Will try to have another picnic later in July or Fall.

–      A suggestion was made by Roger Breault to have a due date on dues to help keep people focused.

–      Jason Klous asked for a motion of adjournment.  Bill Heimkes made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Merle Draper.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 9:56 am.

Respectfully submitted;

Laurie M Dezenzo


Board 2014 Annual Financial Meeting Minutes

Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.
Board Annual Financial Meeting
January 25, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by President Jason Klous. Roll call of the officers was taken: Jason Klous, President, Rick Thill, Vice President, Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer, Jack Lamont board member from Long Trade Lake, and Robert Paleen board member from Round Lake. Reid McFarlane board member from Trade Lake was absent.

Dave Blumer from SEH reviewed the 2014 Aquatic Plant Management Proposal(Long Trade, Round, Little Trade & Big Trade.

The 2013 Financial Report reflected a total income of $46,074.48 which included grant reimbursements. The total expenses incurred was $46040.06 which gave a total net income for the year of $34.42.

The 2013 year end financials were accepted.

The officers reviewed the profit & loss budget vs actual, and completed a budget for the 2014 fiscal year which will be posted on the RTLIA website.

EWM was found in the North Bay of Big Trade Lake during the 2013 fall mapping. The Board voted to accept a resolution that we would submit an application for a $20,000 Rapid Response Grant to be used on Big Trade Lake to focus on eliminating CLP & EWM in the channel between Big & Little Trade Lake and the North bay along Lakewood.

The officers reviewed the 2013 survey results. Out of 322 surveys sent out by mail or email, we had 113 responses. Results will be posted on the RTLIA website. The results for some items are as follows:
• 75% of those that responded preferred to receive RTLIA information by email.
• 83% are aware of the RTLIA website.
• 72% responded that the July 4th boat parade was an important social function
• 50% felt the July 4th picnic was an important social function.
• 53% of those that responded would attend meetings if there were guest speakers.
• 16% of respondents that would be willing to serve on the board and the board will make an effort to capture those names from the survey

These results lead into a discussion of other activities that may draw the 4 lakes together. There was the suggestion to have a EWM identity training take place for all the lakes. The volunteers form the training sessions and would physically remove the EWM on each of the four lakes. The dates for the proposed training and physical removal of the EWM will need to be established. Once this is completed on all 4 lakes, we would set up a gathering for all the volunteers and have a centrally located picnic.

In regards to guest speakers, it was discussed that we could have County Land & Water Conservation personnel attend and speak about best practices for shoreline restoration to reduce runoff into the lake.

Meeting adjourned at 12:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted
Laurie M Dezenzo

September, 21 Meeting Minutes

Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.

Meeting Minute

September 21, 2013


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President
Larry Ghimenti, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of the officers
was taken: Larry Ghimenti, President, Rick Thill, Vice President, Laurie
Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer, Jack Lamont board member from Long Trade Lake,
Pete Kane board member from Round Lake, and Reid McFarlane board member from
Trade Lake were present.  Due  to the full meeting agenda the minutes from
August 17, 2013 and the treasurer’s report were not presented.

Old Business

Dave Blumer from SEH presented the goals and accomplishments
for 2013 Aquatic Plant Management. In brief the goals were:

Reduce CLP interference when treating EWM in Little Trade
& Long Trade

Treat 100% pre-mapped areas of EWM in Long Trade, Round &
Little Trade Lakes

Monitor EWM expansion in Big Trade

Dave went over the decisions affecting herbicide use.  The original plan of treatment is as

Long Trade – two treatments – CLP then EWM (9.31 acres each)

Round Lake – one treatment (15.74 acres)

Little Trade – two treatments – CLP then EWM (5.06 acres each)

What actually took place:

Long Trade – treatment 6/6/2013 – 9.31 acres CLP & 5.22
acres EWM – this was the only treatment

Round Lake – treatment 6/27/2013 – 15.74 EWM

Little Trade – treatment 6/6/2013 – 5.06  acres CLP & 2.13 acres EWM – this was
the only treatment

Post Treatment Survey results:

Long Trade – successful in knocking down CLP & got all
EWM.  There was one EWM plant in channel
and some floating fragments.  CLP still
present & starting to grow.  Plenty
of coontail & white water lily.
Water quality poor ( 1.5 ft secchi reading). Low native plant diversity.

Round Lake – Only one point with EWM and no CLP.  Native plants doing well.  EWM is concentrated on North Shore and will
be treated in 2014.

Little Trade – CLP & EWM still present in North bay near
river inlet. This area is anticipated to be treated in 2014.  12 different native plants identified.


SEH & ERS 2013 Total Project Fee $20,680. Expenses so
far $9905.72 ($4000 ERS).

2014 CLP & EWM Management Planning:

Long Trade: No EWM management; CLP management

Round: EWM management

Little Trade: Both EWM & CLP management

Big Trade:  Continued
monitoring for EWM expansion

All lakes: Purple Loosestrife Control and more water quality

Some re-establishment of native plants in Long Trade

Need nutrient survey

New Business

Rick Thill proposed an amendment to the Bylaws of the
Association to add term limits to the board members and officer positions of
the Association. This allows each board member and officer of the Association
to serve in each position for three 2 year terms, with the exception of the
Secretary/Treasurer which will be limited to two 3 year terms. Tom Wettergren
made a motion to vote on the proposed amendment. The motion was 2nd
by Reid McFarland.  There were 28 in
favor and 2 opposed.  Motion carried.

Pete Kane presented one nomination for Round Lake
boardmember, Robert Paleen.  There were
no other nominations. Robert Paleen was voted into the position.

Larry Ghimenti, President, expressed his thoughts on the
status of the association, prior to the vote.

For the position of president, Rick Thill made a motion to
nominate Larry Ghimenti which was 2nd by Reid McFarland.  Amy Klous made a motion to nominate Jason
Klous and it was 2nd by Jack LaMont.  A hand vote was taken by the members in attendance.  13 votes were cast for Larry & 15 votes
for Jason.  Jason Klous was elected the
as the new President.

Jack LaMont, boardmember Long Trade Lake, lead the idea
session of the meeting.  He spoke
briefly about the four lakes working together as one to stimulate membership
and volunteer activity.  The ideas
presented are as follows:

Fishing Contest to take place on all 4 lakes on the same
day.  Paid members only can
participate.  Prizes will be determined
and possible pot luck at end.  Gene
Novack volunteered to head the committee.
The committee will be made up of Rick Thill from  TradeLake,
Dan Anderson from Round Lake & Pete Kane from Round Lake.

Chili Cook off

Combined 4th  of
July Picnics

Phone List gathered by the Association to stimulate membership

Each lake to have a committee for various activities such as
nominating committee.

Reid McFarland made a motion to contact the DNR in regards
to a fish shocking survey.  Seconded by
Ramona LaMont.  Motion carried.  A motion to adjourn
was made by Rick Thill and 2nd by Reid McFarland.  Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted

Laurie M Dezenzo


June 15, 2013 Meeting Minutes



June 15, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President, Larry Ghimenti, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll call of officers was taken: Larry Ghimenti, President; Rick Thill, Vice President; Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer; Jack Lamont, board member from Long Trade Lake & Pete Kane board member Round Lake were present.  Reid McFarlane board member from Trade Lake; was not present.  President’s greeting was given by Larry Ghimenti.
The meeting minutes from the May 18, 2013 were read by Laurie Dezenzo; Treasurer/Secretary. A motion was made by Rick Thill & 2nd by Rich Price to accept the minutes.  Motion carried. The Treasurers report was given showing a total net worth of $28,671.71 and a net income of $10,693.29.   Motion was made by Rick Thill & 2nd by Jack LaMont to accept the treasurer’s report as presented.  Motion carried.

Old business:

The newsletter was sent out to 128 emails and only 2 came back as undeliverable. Larry urged those in attendance that if you have an email to please provide it to help reduce the cost of mailings. The July picnics for each lake are as follows:
Trade Lake:
Saturday, July 6th, Boat parade at noon – picnic directly following
on the field by the Trade Lake landing on Pickerel Point Rd
Round Lake:

Thursday, July 4th, Boat parade at noon
Saturday, July 6th picnic at noon at Atlas Park
Long Trade Lake:

Saturday, July 6th  Boat parade at 2:00p
Saturday, July 20th,  Picnic at noon at Atlas Park


The spraying status of the lakes are as follows:

Jack LaMont, board member for Long Trade presented a map showing the areas that were sprayed for  CLP and EWM on June 6th.  The other areas that were not sprayed for CLP will be sprayed at a later date.  Jack expressed that what this process takes
is patience.  CLP kills immediately on contact whereas EWM goes to the root and takes longer.

Rick Thill stated that
Little Trade was sprayed for CLP in the areas identified on the maps provided by the surveys which are posted on the association’s website and for EWM where the river comes in along with the other identified areas.  They tried to hit the largest area.
Larry Ghimenti stated
that Round will be treated this year for EWM but later in the month. SEH and the DNR has suggested that the surveys should be completed on Long Trade and Little Trade prior to the treatment of Round.

No spraying will be done on Big Trade due to cost.  We need to monitor the CLP and EWM near the channel between Little & Big Trade.  If it is seen the members that live on Trade were instructed to pull it and then let a board member know.

Lake Association member, Don Peterson from Little Trade asked why it took so long to spray because the CLP was
already up thick in Little Trade.  It was explained by Larry Ghimenti that there were a number of items such as the
late ice melt and the delay in permits that impacted the start of the spraying.  The CLP was sprayed before the tureens
formed and the temperature of the lake got up to 60 degrees so the spraying should still have an impact on the CLP.


A Lake Association member from Long Trade lake asked what was causing the fish kill and if it had anything to do with the spraying.  Larry Ghimenti explained that due to the length of the winter, fish died off and when the ice melts they come to the surface.  There is also a bacterium called columnarus that can kill pan fish early in the spring as the water temperature rises.


It was mentioned that The Army Corps of Engineer have an ongoing project with the lakes throughout the state to keep track of how the spraying is working long term. Jack LaMont and Roger Christensen are taking water samples at 8 locations on Long Trade to monitor the dispersal of the chemicals used for CLP and EWM control.

New Business:

Greg McCormick from Trade Lake pointed out that there is a lot of debris such as branches under the bridge connecting Little &
Big Trade.  It was suggested that they contact Reid McFarlane to get some volunteers together to clean it out. There was a brief discussion regarding putting together the nominating committee for the open positions coming up; President, Round Lake board member   & Trade Lake board member.  No one in attendance at the meeting made any comment to the suggestion or would volunteer to participate on the committee.

A motion to adjourn was made by Roger Breault & 2nd by Pete Kane.  Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie M. Dezenzo, Secretary

Meeting Minutes May 18, 2013



May 18, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President, Larry Ghimenti, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll call of officers was taken: Larry Ghimenti, President; Rick Thill, Vice President; Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer; Jack Lamont, board member from Long Trade Lake & Reid McFarlane board member Trade Lake were present.  Pete Kane board member from Round Lake; was not present.  The President’s greeting was given by Larry Ghimenti.
The meeting minutes from the September 15, 2012 were read by Laurie Dezenzo; Treasurer/Secretary. A motion was made by Reid McFarlane & 2nd by Rick Thill to accept the minutes.  Motion carried. The Treasurers report was given showing a total net worth of $29,107.76 and a net income of $11,129.34.   Motion was made by Rick Thill & 2nd by Tom Wettergren to accept the treasurer’s report as presented.  Motion carried.

Old business:

Larry Ghimenti gave a status of the upcoming spraying of Round, Long Trade & Little Trade Lake. A member from Long Trade reported seeing someone possibly spraying on Long Trade Lake.  After the meeting it was discovered that the pretreatment survey was completed by Matt Berg Friday May 17, 2013.  We are running approximately 1 month behind due to the late ice
melt.  Round will be sprayed for EWM.  Little Trade and Long Trade Lakes will be sprayed for CLP first and then EWM in late June.  The plans can be found on the association website.

The board members were asked their plans for getting volunteers.  Jack LaMont from Long Trade will maintain a high level of communication by email and developing core groups of 6-8 families and then have larger meetings to tighten up volunteer plans, then to have larger gatherings such as the annual July 4th picnic.

Reid McFarland board member from Trade Lake created an informational pamphlet containing the lake association’s  purpose and accomplishments and how to become involved.  He suggested that these can be made available at the landings as well as bringing them door to door to lake owners.

New Business:

The board members were asked to provide the date of their July 4th picnic to Laurie prior to the June Newsletter

While not present, it was suggested prior to the meeting by an email from Pete Kane, the election process start sooner than August.  He will not be able to continue as the Round Lake board member after his term ends in September 2013. He will
be actively pursuing a replacement. Positions up for election this September are President, Round Lake board member & Trade Lake board member.

Reid asked what the actual positions available were in the association.  President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer are the executive positions.  Then there are the board members for each lake who can in turn appoint a lake chairman.

A motion to adjourn was made by Reid McFarlane & 2nd by Jack LaMont.  Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Laurie M. Dezenzo, Secretary

September 2012 Meeting Minutes



September 15, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President, Larry Ghimenti, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll call of officers was taken: Larry Ghimenti, President; Rick Thill, Vice President; Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer; and  Pete Kane, board member from Round Lake were present.   Jack LaMont was present as the interim board member from Long Trade Lake. Erv Grulkowski , board member from Long Trade and Dave Anderson board member from Trade Lake; were not present. President’s greeting was given by Larry Ghimenti.   The meeting minutes from the August 25, 2012 were not available but are on the web site, however Larry Ghimenti gave a brief synopsis of the meeting. A motion was made by Rick Thill, & 2nd by Ramona LaMont to accept the minutes online. Motion carried. The Treasurers report was given showing a total net worth of $25,770.23 and a net income of $9,497.79.   Motion was made by Bob Rosenbaum & 2nd by Rick Thill to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.

Old business:

Long Trade Lake Draw Down Survey Results were given as follows:

We were able to contact 43 of the 67 total lake shore owners or 64%. Of those contacted 22 or 51% were in favor of the draw down. 17 of those who supported a draw down also supported a chemical follow up. Adding these folks to 12 who support
chemical treatment only and you have 29 lakeshore owners or 67% who support chemically treating the lake in the spring. 3 owners or 7% preferred other methods such as harvesting and 6 or 14% preferred we do nothing. So not having a mandate from the owners and after doing measurements at the millpond channel and discovering we would only be able to draw down about 2’; the board feels that a draw down is not feasible. We will be putting together a plan to start spraying next spring.

New Business:

The candidates for Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, & Long Trade Lake board member were presented by the Election committee head, Ramona LaMont.  The following individuals were nominated to fill those positions:

Vice President:                                              Rick Thill

Secretary/Treasurer:                                    Laurie Dezenzo

Long Trade Lake board member:              Jack LaMont

**Note: Dave Anderson stepped down as Trade Lake board member and Reid McFarlane stepped in to fulfill the remainder of Dave Anderson’s term. Thanks went out to Dave Anderson for all his time & hard work during his term(s) as Trade Lake board member.

The question was asked by Andrea Benson how many lake property owners there were and how many were paid members.  There are 340 lake property owners & 170 paid members.

Reid McFarlane asked during the spring high waters what each lake has for water control.  Long Trade Lake has the dam.  Round Lake had a carp dam which was torn down because the lake association could not afford its upkeep.  Trade Lake had culverts installed several years ago; however, George Hosch believed they were plugged up due to the lack of cleaning.  Reid McFarlane offered to get a crew of volunteers together to clean them out if necessary.

A motion to adjourn was made by Reid McFarlane & 2nd by Ramona LaMont.  Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie M. Dezenzo, Secretary