Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.
Meeting Minutes
September 17, 2016
1. Call to order
The second 2016 regular meeting of the RTLIA called to order at 9:01 am by Jason Klous.
2. Roll call
The following persons were present: Jason Klous, Jack LaMont, Vicki Breault, Reid McFarlane
- Approval of Minutes
Roger Breault motioned to approve minutes from last meeting, Bill Heimkes second the motion. Motion approved
3. Treasurer’s Report
- Will be posted
4. Elections
Vice President – Vicki Breault nominated by Roger Breault; no other nominations for VP. Vicki Breault re-elected Vice President.
Long Trade Lake – Anne Tuttle nominated by Roger Breault; no other nominations for Long Trade Lake Officer. Anne Tuttle elected Long Trade Lake Officer.
Big Trade Lake – Reid McFarlane nominated by Tom Daellenbach no other nominations for Big Trade Lake Officer. Reid McFarlane re-elected Big Trade Lake Officer.
5. President’s Report
- June 1-Sept. 16 had 534 volunteer hour submitted on website. That number will increase as we submit more hours.
6. Officer Reports
a. Vicki (Vice President)
- Need people to sit at landing for Clean Boats Clean Water through end of Oct.
- Complete volunteer hours, submit on website or contact your lake rep.
- Healthy Lakes Grant – 4 completed so far. More available for 2017. Complete form on website. Or contact any board member. Needed by Feb. 2017.
b. Jack (Long Trade Lake)
- Bridge Snapshot Day – Good turnout from RTLIA. Statewide effort to teach citizens about stream and lake monitoring for invasive species.
- Stream monitoring important has a huge impact on the health of our lakes.
c. Reid (Big Trade Lake)
- UW Extension will look at tax base on Big Trade Lake to determine percentage of town revenues come from lake properties.
- Motioned to seek information about percentage of town budget that come from lakeshore property owners in Laketown and Trade Lake townships. Neils Pomeroy second the motion. Motioned approved.
d. Bill (Round Lake)
- Concerned about water clarity on Round Lake.
- DNR will not be restocking walleye because they aren’t reproducing in the lake.
e. Dave Blummer, Lake Consultant, LEAPS
- We are paying for this through grants. Volunteer hours need to be submitted.
- Big Trade Lake – Treatment did a good job
- Little Trade Lake – Treatment worked well where we treated.
- Long Trade Lake – Treatment worked but still some detected. Reintroduce native aquatic plants.
- Round Lake – Treatment didn’t work, still plants detected on North and Eastern shoreline.
7. New Business
Big Trade Lake landing light, paying $315/yr. No other lights at other lakes in the association. Motion that the RTLIA stop paying for light at Big Trade Lake landing by Oct. 1. Second motion by Pete Kane. Discussion around having the town of Trade Lake take over the light but the township declined. 1 nay. Motioned passed.
8. Adjournment
AnnDrea Benson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Second by Roger Breault. Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 10:09 am.
Minutes submitted by Amy Klous, Marketing Committee Chair