Welcome to the TLIA

Welcome to the Trade Lake Improvement Association (TLIA) website.  We are a group of lake enthusiasts made up of lake shore owners and lake neighbors working to preserve the health of our waters for all to enjoy. The group works with the DNR/State of Wisconsin to secure grants to treat invasive aquatic species and educate lake users to help prevent the spread of invasive aquatic species. We cover our costs of the grants by applying volunteer hours towards them.  We are 100% dependent on membership dues and donations.

How can you help?  Become a member and/or enter lake shore cleanup hours.

Membership and Donations: Use Venmo to pay or renew your annual dues fee of $50 or more or donate to keep our lakes clean using Venmo @tradlakeassoc and code 8062.

See the Trade Lake Improvement Association FAQ to get additional information about the association.

Review the Current Grants that the TLIA is working with and check out the approved tasks that can be applied to Volunteer Hours here.

Questions?  Contact us at bigandlittle@tradelakeassoc.org