What is the Lake Improvement Association?
The Lake Improvement Association is a non-profit, state incorporated, association comprised of Big and Little Trade Lakes. These lakes are located in Burnett county in Wisconsin. Our official name is the Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc., however, we refer to ourselves as the Lake Improvement Association.
The Lake Improvement Association was originally incorporated March 26, 1974, by residents of Round and Trade Lakes with its official offices located in the Township of Trade Lake.
How is the Lake Improvement Association organized?
The Lake Improvement Association is comprised of officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer. Each of the officers are elected through the nomination and vote process of the association’s members. There are two board members representing each of the lakes as well as a member at large. Current board members can be found here.
Where does the Lake Improvement Association get its’ funding?
The Trade Lake Improvement Association is 100% dependent on membership dues and donations. Additional funding in recent years has also been generated from grants obtained through the state of Wisconsin. The grants are 75%-25% split, which means the TLIA is responsible for 25% of the cost. We do have the option of offsetting our 25% by recording volunteer time via this website on the Volunteer Hours page.
How can I become a member of the Lake Improvement Association?
Becoming a member is easy and you DO NOT need to live on one of the lakes to become a member! We thank you and welcome your participation in helping us to achieve the goals of the Lake Improvement Association.
Simply do the following:
- Donations can be made via the DONATE button on the page or by printing and filling out the membership form found here:
- Mail the form and Personal Check made out to TLIA to: P.O. Box 64, Frederic, WI 54837
How does the Lake Improvement Association decide what to work on?
Through the four annual association open meetings, members of the association or the public can present ideas or concerns. Each item presented is evaluated by the members. Once the issue has been discussed the association members will vote on whether to proceed further with the issue and what plan of action should be taken.
What has the Lake Improvement Association accomplished?
- We have installed larger culverts on Trade Lake in order to control the lake water levels and reduce flooding of the lakeshore.
- Initiated a plan to control the number of rough fish in Round and Trade Lakes.
- Funded the spraying of weeds in common areas on all four Lakes in an effort to control the weed growth for recreational users of the lakes.
- Worked with the DNR to mark hazardous areas with buoys on Trade and Round Lakes.
- Successfully defeated the development of an asphalt plant that was to be located on the Trade River just north of Round Lake.
- Obtained a grant from the state of Wisconsin in order to complete a thorough study of the water chemistry, macrophytes, and lake sediment of Round Lake.
- Participated in annual state conservation conferences, contributed financially to local causes, and disseminated information to local lake shore owners on various conservation methods.
What is the Lake Improvement Association’s current goal?
In 2007/2008 the Lake Improvement Association performed a study on the watershed flowing into the Trade River system in order to determine the sources of pollutants entering the lakes. This study was funded in part by the Lake Improvement Association and by two grants obtained from the state of Wisconsin. Based on the data acquired in the study the Lake Improvement Association developed longer-term strategies to maintain and improve the water quality of the lakes in the Trade River system. This study guides us yet today.
What are the future plans for the Lake Improvement Association?
- Promote fishing, fun and lake stewardship
- Continue water quality studies of the Lakes with the help of lake management experts
- Develop strategies to improve the water quality in the Trade River watershed
- Control or reduce the spread of exotic plant species in the lakes and on the surrounding lake shores
- Increase active membership in the Lake Improvement Association
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