The grants we receive from the Wisconsin DNR are a 75% –25% split, which means the TLIA is responsible for 25% of the cost. We do have the option of offsetting our 25% by recording volunteer time via this website.
The TLIA receives $15 per hour for time we spend performing specific tasks improving our lakes and these are tasks many of us are already performing!
Examples of your time that can be applied to our 25% cost are:
Monitoring the lake for AIS with pontoon/boat – (Incl. type found & location)
Monitoring the lake for AIS with kayak – (Incl. type found & location)
Physical removal of Eurasian Watermilfoil & Curly-leaf Pondweed
Boat inspection at the landings
Water Quality Sampling and recording into SWIMS
Check for Zebra Mussels on docks & boats at the end of the season
Education and Outreach for identifying AIS
Management Planning
Purple Loosestrife Control on ROUND LAKE