May 17, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Call to Order
– The meeting was called to order at 9 am by President Jason Klous.
– Pledge of allegiance
– Roll call of the officers was taken: Jason Klous, President, Jack LaMont, Long Trade Lake board member, Bob Paleen, Round Lake board member were present. Rick Thill, Vice President, Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer and Reid McFarland, Trade Lake board members were absent.
– Motion made to accept the previous meeting minutes as posted on the RTLIA website. Motion made by Bill Heimkes, seconded Merle Draper Motion passed.
– Jason Klous read the financial statement provided by Laurie Dezenzo: Also posted on website for more detail. Motion to accept as read by Roger Christenson and seconded by Merle Draper. Motion passed
– Jack Lamont summarized the survey results. Available on the website.
– President Klous updated the membership on the SEH status and contracting with LEAPS for the remainder of the grant cycle. .
– President Klous also updated the membership on the contracts with LEAPS, Dale Dressel, and Matt Berg.
– Dave Blumer updated the membership on the Spring treatment plan. “Aquatic Plant Management” goals were to
1. Reduce EWM in all 4 lakes to the lowest level possible.
2. Manage enough CLP at this time to make it easier to target EWM.
3. Minimize the impacts of purple loosestrife. CLP management was not the goal.
– July 19 is physical removal of EWM on all lakes, Rakes and nets needed. EWM monitoring on all lakes at all times. Get to know what it looks like. Jason Klous asked for volunteers to raise beetles to control purple loosestrife. Leon Moe volunteered. Dave and Jason to help set him up after meeting.
– President Klous also asked for volunteers for other areas of focus needed for volunteers:
– Water quality monitoring on all lakes. Dave Blumer and Chris from the DNR to provide training after the meeting.
– Clean Water Clean Boats, watercraft inspection. Jack Lamont reported that Mike Malone volunteered for Long Trade Lake.
– Dave Blumer suggested holding a Lake Fair/Public event to educate lakeshore owners and we need to have one this year. What do we want to do? Need to set up. Board to select date and agenda.
- For next grant cycle Dave Blumer advised:
– Native aquatic plant restoration – focus on Long Trade but other lakes will benefit as well in 2015 and beyond.
– New Aquatic Invasive Species Grant Application – continue to support management in all four lakes.
– Watershed Management planning grant application – focused on making identifying trouble spots in the watershed and near shore area.
– Jason Klous discussed EWM physical removal day and the plan is to come. The suggestion was made by Dave Blumer that everyone meet on Round lake for training then disburse to your lakes. Focus on Round Lake has biggest concentration. All time will count towards the grant. Please mark your time.
– To get the grant we need to record our volunteer hours. Report to your lake board member so they can be recorded. Any improvement and monitoring counts! We need hours to get new grant money, specifically on each lake.
– Please get Fourth of July picnic schedules to Laurie Dezenzo by June 6.
– Bob Paleen reported that due to poor attendance and feedback in the past, Round Lake will not have the 4th of July picnic but will have the boat parade. Will try to have another picnic later in July or Fall.
– A suggestion was made by Roger Breault to have a due date on dues to help keep people focused.
– Jason Klous asked for a motion of adjournment. Bill Heimkes made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Merle Draper. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:56 am.
Respectfully submitted;
Laurie M Dezenzo