Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.
Board Annual Financial Meeting
January 25, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by President Jason Klous. Roll call of the officers was taken: Jason Klous, President, Rick Thill, Vice President, Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer, Jack Lamont board member from Long Trade Lake, and Robert Paleen board member from Round Lake. Reid McFarlane board member from Trade Lake was absent.
Dave Blumer from SEH reviewed the 2014 Aquatic Plant Management Proposal(Long Trade, Round, Little Trade & Big Trade.
The 2013 Financial Report reflected a total income of $46,074.48 which included grant reimbursements. The total expenses incurred was $46040.06 which gave a total net income for the year of $34.42.
The 2013 year end financials were accepted.
The officers reviewed the profit & loss budget vs actual, and completed a budget for the 2014 fiscal year which will be posted on the RTLIA website.
EWM was found in the North Bay of Big Trade Lake during the 2013 fall mapping. The Board voted to accept a resolution that we would submit an application for a $20,000 Rapid Response Grant to be used on Big Trade Lake to focus on eliminating CLP & EWM in the channel between Big & Little Trade Lake and the North bay along Lakewood.
The officers reviewed the 2013 survey results. Out of 322 surveys sent out by mail or email, we had 113 responses. Results will be posted on the RTLIA website. The results for some items are as follows:
• 75% of those that responded preferred to receive RTLIA information by email.
• 83% are aware of the RTLIA website.
• 72% responded that the July 4th boat parade was an important social function
• 50% felt the July 4th picnic was an important social function.
• 53% of those that responded would attend meetings if there were guest speakers.
• 16% of respondents that would be willing to serve on the board and the board will make an effort to capture those names from the survey
These results lead into a discussion of other activities that may draw the 4 lakes together. There was the suggestion to have a EWM identity training take place for all the lakes. The volunteers form the training sessions and would physically remove the EWM on each of the four lakes. The dates for the proposed training and physical removal of the EWM will need to be established. Once this is completed on all 4 lakes, we would set up a gathering for all the volunteers and have a centrally located picnic.
In regards to guest speakers, it was discussed that we could have County Land & Water Conservation personnel attend and speak about best practices for shoreline restoration to reduce runoff into the lake.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Laurie M Dezenzo