September 2012 Meeting Minutes



September 15, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President, Larry Ghimenti, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll call of officers was taken: Larry Ghimenti, President; Rick Thill, Vice President; Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer; and  Pete Kane, board member from Round Lake were present.   Jack LaMont was present as the interim board member from Long Trade Lake. Erv Grulkowski , board member from Long Trade and Dave Anderson board member from Trade Lake; were not present. President’s greeting was given by Larry Ghimenti.   The meeting minutes from the August 25, 2012 were not available but are on the web site, however Larry Ghimenti gave a brief synopsis of the meeting. A motion was made by Rick Thill, & 2nd by Ramona LaMont to accept the minutes online. Motion carried. The Treasurers report was given showing a total net worth of $25,770.23 and a net income of $9,497.79.   Motion was made by Bob Rosenbaum & 2nd by Rick Thill to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.

Old business:

Long Trade Lake Draw Down Survey Results were given as follows:

We were able to contact 43 of the 67 total lake shore owners or 64%. Of those contacted 22 or 51% were in favor of the draw down. 17 of those who supported a draw down also supported a chemical follow up. Adding these folks to 12 who support
chemical treatment only and you have 29 lakeshore owners or 67% who support chemically treating the lake in the spring. 3 owners or 7% preferred other methods such as harvesting and 6 or 14% preferred we do nothing. So not having a mandate from the owners and after doing measurements at the millpond channel and discovering we would only be able to draw down about 2’; the board feels that a draw down is not feasible. We will be putting together a plan to start spraying next spring.

New Business:

The candidates for Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, & Long Trade Lake board member were presented by the Election committee head, Ramona LaMont.  The following individuals were nominated to fill those positions:

Vice President:                                              Rick Thill

Secretary/Treasurer:                                    Laurie Dezenzo

Long Trade Lake board member:              Jack LaMont

**Note: Dave Anderson stepped down as Trade Lake board member and Reid McFarlane stepped in to fulfill the remainder of Dave Anderson’s term. Thanks went out to Dave Anderson for all his time & hard work during his term(s) as Trade Lake board member.

The question was asked by Andrea Benson how many lake property owners there were and how many were paid members.  There are 340 lake property owners & 170 paid members.

Reid McFarlane asked during the spring high waters what each lake has for water control.  Long Trade Lake has the dam.  Round Lake had a carp dam which was torn down because the lake association could not afford its upkeep.  Trade Lake had culverts installed several years ago; however, George Hosch believed they were plugged up due to the lack of cleaning.  Reid McFarlane offered to get a crew of volunteers together to clean them out if necessary.

A motion to adjourn was made by Reid McFarlane & 2nd by Ramona LaMont.  Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie M. Dezenzo, Secretary

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