August 20, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.

Meeting Minutes

August 20, 2016

 1. Call to order

The second 2016 regular meeting of the RTLIA called to order at 9:05 am by Jason Klous.

 2. Roll call

The following persons were present: Jason Klous, Tom Mayerhofer, Jack LaMont, Bill Paleen, Reid McFarland

3. Approval of Minutes

Roger Breault motioned to approve minutes from last meeting, Reid McFarland second the motion. Motion approved

4. Treasurer’s Report

  1. $15000 in the bank, $10,000 in grant receivable
  2. $6570 revenue
  3. Net loss $1900 but will be recouped through grants
  4. Dues up 53% over last year
  5. Neils motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report, Gene second the motion. Motion approved.

5. President’s Report

  1. September meeting is elections for VP and Long Trade and Big Trade Board seats
  2. Recap of treatments in 2016 at September meeting
  3. Next year is last year of AIS (treatment) grant

6. Officer Reports

  1. Jack (Long Trade Lake)
    1. Volunteer hours needed
    2. Statewide program September 10 9am-1pm for Bridge Snapshot. Statewide participation. We’ll be meeting at Café Wren for a training on invasive species then go visit our 9 sites we’re monitoring and collect, bring back and discuss. Free lunch provided by Café Wren.  All volunteer hours go towards AIS grant.
  2. Bill (Round Lake)
    1. Water quality was 4.5ft at the beginning of August, seems better than past
    2. Weeds seem better around outlet
  3. Reid (Big Trade Lake)
    1. Physical removal on Big Trade Lake – Didn’t see EWM in the areas they looked.

7. Patrick Goggin, Lake Specialist – UW Extension-Lakes

  1. Discussed the process for forming a Lake District
  2. See attachment for slide deck from presentation
  3. See link on their

8. Next Meeting

  1. 9 am on Saturday, September 17, 2016
  2. Elections for Vice President, Long Trade and Big Lake Board seats

9. Adjournment

Roger Breault made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Second by Roger Christianson.  Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:34 am.


Minutes submitted by Amy Klous, Marketing Committee Chair

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