Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.
Meeting Minutes
June 18, 2016
- Call to order
The second 2016 regular meeting of the RTLIA called to order at 9:00 am by Jason Klous.
- Roll call
The following persons were present: Jason Klous, Vicki Breault, Tom Mayerhofer, Jack LaMont, Bill Paleen
- Approval of Minutes
Roger Breault motioned to approve minutes from last meeting, Sharon Christianson second the motion. Motion approved
- Treasurer’s Report
- $5900 revenue (collected $5800 in dues), ahead of last year
- $8430 expenses
- Net loss $2500 but will be recouped through grant
- 119 (35%) of homes contributed
Roger Breault motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report, Dave Klous second the motion. Motion approved.
- President’s Report
- Physical removal day is July 23
- AIS treatments are done on all 4 lakes but haven’t seen reports yet
- Officer Reports
- Vicki (Vice President)
- Healthy Lakes Grant – before and after pics of her project. So far so good. Open invite to look at it for applying for grant next year.
- Clean Boats Clean Water (CBCW) – encourage everybody to volunteer for an hour or two – volunteers needed.
- Vicki (Vice President)
- Volunteer sheets – many things count toward hours. Please track or talk to Vicki for more info
- Ice Packs – to hand out to boats at the landing. Towels for the 4th of July. Giveaways to promote CBCW.
- Reintroduction of native plants – getting good weeds back in the lake. Putting them on the side of county land because it’s shallow and sandy and little disturbance. Work to be done on Monday July 27 at 8am by Matt Berg and his biology students. More volunteers are needed to help. Show up at 8 am at the landing. (Part of AAS grant)
- Jack (Long Trade Lake)
- Big Trade and Little Trade – boat parade July 2 followed by picnic
- Long Trade Lake at Atlas Park on July 9, noon. Need volunteers
- Chemicals seem to be working in the lake
- Bill (Round Lake)
- Parade July 4 at noon
- Picnic – join Long Trade Lake at Atlas Park on July 9 at noon.
- Katelin Anderson – Polk County Land and Resources Department
- Large Scale Planning Grant – Measuring water quality and lake management
- Starting on Long Trade Lake because it’s the first lake in the chain.
- Volunteer hours needed for match payback
- 3 year project. Samples and monitoring will be done every other week.
- Collecting data on phosphorus, secchi depth, chlorophyll, algae, shoreline inventory, lake level monitoring. In addition, Butternut Creek and Trade River monitoring.
- Shoreline inventory looks at erosion and native plantings and contributing negative impact factors.
- Water Action Volunteer (WAV) monitoring and workshop – 9 tributaries, volunteers monitoring this and workshop will follow.
- Lake Management Plan (LMP) development – large report at completion of project followed by meetings to present the data and an create a lake management plan with long term goals and strategies for improvement in lake quality.
- Committee will be formed – need 5-10 people to volunteer for the committee
- Volunteers needed for various tasks and committee. This helps keep the grant at no cost to the lake.
- Next Meeting
9 am on Saturday, August 20, 2016
- Adjournment
Roger Breault made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Second by Jack LaMont. Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:34 am.
Minutes submitted by Amy Klous, Marketing Committee Chair