Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.
Meeting Minute
September 20, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 9:15 am by President Jason Klous, followed be the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of the officers was taken: Jason Klous, President, Rick Thill, Vice President, Jack Lamont board member from Long Trade Lake, Bob Paleen board member from Round Lake and Reid McFarlane board member from Trade Lake were present. The meeting minutes from the August 16th 2014 meeting were not read. A motion was made by Rick Thill and seconded by Bill Piotrowski to accept the minutes as posted online. Motion carried. The Treasurers report was given based on the January 1 2014 through September 20, 2014 time frame. The report showed a net income for the period of $6634.48 and Total Assets of $24,643.57. The checking account was $19682.10 and savings $4961.47. A motion was made by Roger Breault and seconded by Kathy Mayerhofer to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.
New Business
- Jason Klous stated that Rick Thill is stepping down from the Vice President position. Jason thanked Rick for his 12 years of service on the board.
- Rick was the nominating committee. He presented Vicki Breault for the vice president position. He also stated since that no one came forth to represent Trade Lake, Reid McFarlane volunteer to continue in the position. Jack LaMont will continue in the position of Long Trade Lake board member.
- Voting took place for all the positions. Vicki Breault is now the vice president, Reid McFarlane will continue as Trade Lake board member & Jack LaMont will continue as Long Trade Lake board member.
- Dave Blumer gave the year end presentation as follows:
- CLP Treatment:
- Long Trade Lake
- 5/28/2014 Herbicide – 4.89 acres treated
- Pre/post treatment Survey
- Aquatic Plant Survey
- CLP was significantly knocked down
- Long Trade Lake
- Round Lake
- No treatment
- Little Trade Lake
- No herbicide management due to no access
- Pre/post treatment survey
- Big Trade Lake
- 5/28/2014 Herbicide – 1.5 acres treated
- Pre/post treatment survey
- CLP Treatment:
- EWM Treatment:
- Long Trade Lake
- No herbicide
- Physical removal
- Fall survey not completed
- Round Lake
- 6/17/2014 Herbicide – 5.68 acres treated
- Physical Removal
- Fall survey not completed
- Little Trade
- No treatment
- Big Trade Lake
- No herbicide
- Summer survey
- Physical removal
- Fall survey not completed
- Long Trade Lake
- Dave presented the 2015 Management Proposal for CLP & EWM (This plan is dependent on the Fall Surveys)
- Long Trade Lake:
- Continue limited CLP work where EWM is present because it makes it easier to get to the EWM.
- Treat CLP where it has been treated in past
- Single treatment for CLP & EWM
- Continue physical removal
- Long Trade Lake:
- Round Lake:
- Continue EWM herbicide
- Continue physical removal
- Big Trade Lake:
- Continue limited CLP work where EWM is present
- Single treatment for CLP & EWM
- Continue physical removal
- Little Trade Lake:
- Need to focus on most needed area to treat
- Need to get access to lake whether by northwest bay, raising the bridge or public access
- The areas with the most concentration of EWM & CLP was pointed out
- New development on east side having an access may be required by the county/township. Need to find resolution quickly and look into grants available for building a boat launch
- DNR said we need a permit to build a silt fence
- Native Aquatic Plant Restoration:
- Install small test plots primarily emergent but can also submerge aquatic plants along with fish sticks project.
- Need a willing landowner to volunteer
- Shoreline restoration grant is possible if paired with a Fishstick project which is wood debris placed in the lake on the shoreline.
- There is also possible additional grant funding or existing grant money
- Water Quality – can look on the 9/2/2012 Google Maps:
- Blue-green algae can make animals & people sick. It is not uncommon
- Other items:
- Natives keep nutrient down
- Phosphorus is running into lake and we need to figure out how to manage the phosphorus going into the lakes.
- Future direction summarization:
- Continue limited CLP & EWM on all lakes
- Start thinking about revisions of APM Plan
- Explore public access in Little Trade
- Restore native plants
- Continue Purple Loosestrife beetle rearing
- Consider larger comprehensive lake management plan for all 4 lakes
- Additional issues or concerns:
- Anndrea Benson asked if the fish are fine with the herbicide treatment. Dave Blumer stated that the herbicides do not affect the fish. She also stated that biodegradable balloons takes 3 years to decompose.
- Rick stated there was a phosphorous study was completed in the past and it isnatural loading on Round lake not from farm runoff.
- Jack LaMont stated tubers can be bought and we can have homeowners plant them. May need permits to make sure the plant is native to the area. Mats can be done with tubulars in that it helps to keep other plants down. Matt Berg would probably assist. Dave Blumer recommend taking baby steps.
- Discussion followed regarding the landing on Little Trade. Reid McFarlane suggested writing a letter to the county, township or Land & County Conservation officer . Jason Klous stated the pursuing of a landing on Little Trade was part of 2015 plan. Roger Breault suggested speaking with the developer of the new development to find out if they are planning a landing.
Rick Thill made a motion to adjourn. Kathy Mayerhofer 2nd. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted
Laurie M Dezenzo