Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.
Board Annual Financial Meeting
January 17, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 11:00 am by President Jason Klous. Roll call of the officers was taken: Jason Klous, President, Vicki Breault, Vice President, Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer, Jack Lamont board member from Long Trade Lake, Robert Paleen board member from Round Lake and Reid McFarlane board member from Trade Lake were all present.
The 2014 Financial Report reflected a total income of $22749.26 which included grant reimbursements of $17,667.69. The total expenses incurred were $28,844.95 which gave a total net income for the year of -$6095.69. Jack Lamont made a motion to accept the Financial report as presented. Vicki Breault second. Motion carried.
The 2014 year end financials were accepted.
Jason Klous presented a budget for the 2015 fiscal year based on the actual from 2014. This will be posted on the RTLIA website.
Dave Blumer from SEH reviewed the 2015 Aquatic Plant Management Proposal (Long Trade, Round, Little Trade & Big Trade.
*Long Trade Lake post mapping showed little EWM and most appeared in the channel. There were 9 beds of CLPW which should be treated 3 years in a row. It was asked if we could only treat CLPW. The answer was no because the grant & plan were for EWM as well. A discussion of treatment; liquid vs granular herbicide was discussed and if we would save money if we just treat CLPW. Also discussed the use of a fence around the channel but it involves permits and landowner permission. Treatment in long will be with granular.
Jack Lamont has put together the request for the Long Trade Lake Improvement Grant for a native plant restoration. The west shore near the south end and on the east shore near the north end appear to be the locations to plant because they are not heavily with plants and they are protected from boat traffic & weather. If the grant is not approved, Dave Blumer suggested that Matt Berg may be willing to take it over and make it a classroom project. Also it was mentioned that the planting is depended on water clarity for growth of native plants.
*Round Lake has an EWM focus. Contact Herbicide was used in 2014. Physical removal may
have caused more growth with spores breaking off and putting in fences in 4 ft of water is an option but based on the permit needed it is not a favorable option. Bob Paleen, board member for Round Lake is planning on doing 2 physical removals; one in June and then another in August. The question was asked if treatment could be eliminated in the beds where physical removal is done and it was noted that it is possible.
*Little Trade Lake treatment in 2014 was complicated due to the high water. DNR wouldn’t allow treatment once native plants are up. The northern 2/3 of the bay is native plants. We could treat 5 ½ acres and try to do fence with liquid chemicals which would cut costs. Don’t want to do too early due to high waters and June 15th is the latest to allow treatment. Need to treat a total of 6 ½ acres. The biggest issue would be access.
*Big Trade Lake could be included in original grants because EWM is new to Big Trade. However a $20,000 Rapid Response Grant is being applied for. Matt Berg physically removed EWM from 11 sites. He found small beds which are approximately 1/10th of an acre. The plan is to treat 1.42 acres granularly. Physical removal should be planned and done. There is a no tolerance on Big Trade meaning when EWM is found it needs to be treated immediately.
Jack Lamont made a motion to accept the treatment plan as presented. Reid McFarlane second. Motion carried.
Jason presented the 2015 budget. Discussion followed. Reid McFarland made a motion to accept the budget as presented. Vicki Breault second. Motion carried.
Discussion followed on ways to increase membership and meeting attendance. It was mentioned for future board meetings that Dale Dressel & Matt Berg should present. Also the first newsletter should contain what RTLIA completed and what is planned in the coming year. Vicki presented having a fund raising raffle and raffle off an ATV. Vicki and Roger Breault looked into the cost and profit that can be generated with ticket sales.
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm. Respectfully submitted Laurie M Dezenzo Secretary/Treasurer