Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.
Meeting Minute
May 16, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by Vice-President Vicki Breault, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of the officers was taken: Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer. Vicki Breault, Vice-President, Jack Lamont board member from Long Trade Lake, Bob Paleen board member from Round Lake were present. Reid McFarlane board member from Trade Lake and Jason Klous, president were absent. The meeting minutes from the September 20, 2014 meeting were read. A motion was made by Rick Thill and seconded by Jack Lamont to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried. The Treasurers report was given based on the January 1 2015 through May 20, 2015 time frame. The report showed a net income for the period of $17,221.47 and Total Assets of $29,134.87. The checking account was $24,172.41 and savings $4962.46. A motion was made by Rick Thill and seconded by Roger Breault to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.
New Business
- Vice-President, Vicki Breault, presented a brief overview of the Spring Treatment:
- Big, Little & Long Trade Lakes were treated for EWM
- The 3 year Rapid Response Grant was applied to the treatment of Big Trade Lake
- Round Lake will be treated this coming week
- Board Member from Long Trade Lake, Jack Lamont briefly discussed the Large Scale Grant which wasn’t approved by 2 points this year.
- Jack Lamont also presented stream monitoring/lake citizen monitoring that we can do which will tell us a lot about what is going into our lakes. If we do it this year, which is at no cost to us, we will be able to do phosphorus testing next year and if we re-apply for Large Scale Grant next year it has a better chance of being approved and will provide the funds to do the phosphorus testing. A woman from University of Wisconsin Madison who has a doctorate degree will be coming on Friday, May 29th at 1pm-5pm to Atlas Park to train in stream monitoring. We can select any streams we want. We need more volunteers so anyone interested can show up. Discussion followed.
- Vice-President, Vicki Breault discussed physical removal day:
- All lakes will be treated in one day
- July 25th from 9am to 100pm
- Meet at Round Lake landing at 9am
- Picnic at 130p – location to be determined
- We need volunteers from all the lakes. We will meet and then split into groups to go to all four lakes for weed removal.
- Vice-President, Vicki Breault discussed raising beetles for Purple Loosestrife
- President, Jason Klous, got the plants for the beetles and all the equipment for the setup.
- We would like others from a different lake to raise them as well.
- Jason would like some help with his project as he travels a lot for work.
- Vice-President, Vicki Breault discussed the CBCW which individuals were trained two years ago
- We need volunteers at the landings throughout summer to help inspect boats and speak to the boaters coming off the lake to educate them. Make sure they drain their live wells and check trailer and boats for weeds.
- As part of our grant requirement for the grant that has one year left we need lots of volunteer hours which count toward our grant funds.
- If you want more training just let a board member know.
- The forms and pamphlets are on SWIMS website.
- You can fill out the form and give to your lake board member to enter the hours. Hours need to be entered on both the SWIMS and RTLIA websites.
- Rick Thill mentioned that he spoke with someone from Burnett County who mentioned that we can ask athletic groups or other youth groups to volunteer their time at the landings or on the lakes and in exchange we could make a donation to their organization. This will satisfy our community education requirement as well.
- The dates for the 4th of July picnics are as follows. They will be in the June newsletter as well.
- Long Trade Lake
- Boat parade July 4th at noon
- Picnic July 18th Atlas Park at noon
- Round Lake
- Boat parade July 4th at noon
- No interest in picnic
- Big & Little Trade Lake
- Boat parade July 4th at noon
- Picnic July 11th at noon at landing picnic area
Positions for re-election in September:
- President
- Secretary/Treasurer
- Round Lake Board Member
If you have an interest in any position, contact any of the officers or board members.
Rick Thill made a motion to adjourn. Roger Breault 2nd. Motion carried.
Laurie M Dezenzo