Road Captains

Please contact your Lake Representative if you are interested in becoming a Road Captain. Road Captains have a fun volunteer task to bring Lake neighbors together. Tasks include:

  • Contact all residents that have lake property or live on the road to obtain:
    • Name
    • Lake Address
    • Home Address
    • Email
    • Phone Number (optional)
    • Lake Name
  • Enter contact information on the RTLIA website (more to come on this)
  • Coordinate a road gathering of your choice to get everyone to come together once a year just to keep in touch
  • Touch base with the Lake Representative to discuss any issues brought up by lake neighbors

Big Trade Lake Representative: Joy Cipperly and Steve Stark

  • Big Trade Road: [Open]
  • Cedar Point Lane: [Open]
  • Cedar Point Terrace: [Open]
  • Church Road/Sunrise Point: [Open]
  • County Road Z: [Open]
  • Erickson Lane: [Open]
  • Lakewood Drive: [Open]
  • Pickerel Point: Joan Cordes

Little Trade Lake Representative: Cullen and Lori Taylor

  • Bay View Drive: Mike Moe
  • Deer Lane: [Open]
  • Little Trade Road: [Open]
  • Sunset Drive: [Open]