June 2014 CLP/EWM Treatment Notes from LEAPS


Long Trade Lake


1. Pre-treatment Aquatic Plant Survey completed 5/11/2014 by ERS (Matt Berg)

2. CLP Treatment completed 5/28/2014 by NAS (Dale Dressel)

a. 4.89 acres

b. 2.0 ppm Aquathol K (liquid endothall)

c. No other treatment planned

3. Post-treatment Aquatic Plant Survey completed 6/16/2014

a. No EWM found in Long Trade

b. CLP in treatment area sown

c. No CLP identified on the east shore

4. Inspection and removal of EWM should be done by volunteers on Long Trade throughout the

rest of the summer

5. Fall Bed Mapping to occur in late September/early October


Big Trade Lake


1. Pre-treatment Aquatic Plant Survey completed 5/16/2014 by ERS

2. CLP Treatment completed 5/28/2014 by NAS

a. 1.51 acres

b. 3.0 ppm Aquathol K (liquid endothal)

3. Post-treatment Aquatic Plant Survey completed 6/16/2014

a. CLP in treated areas killed

b. Most of the EWM in treated areas killed

c. Still lots of EWM in the channel downstream of Little Trade Lake where no treatment

was completed

4. EWM treatment still a possibility, will likely occur next week

5. Physical removal of EWM in the channel and the rest of the lake should occur multiple times this


6. Next official whole lake survey is scheduled in early August to be completed by ERS

7. Fall EWM Bed Mapping to occur in late September/early October


Round Lake


1. Pre-treatment Aquatic Plant Survey completed 6/7/2014 by ERS

2. EWM Treatment completed on 6/17/2014

a. 5.44 acres at 3.0 ppm DMA 4 (liquid 2,4-D)

b. 0.24 acres at 4.0 ppm Navigate (granular 2,4-D)

c. No other treatment planned

3. Post-treatment Aquatic Plant Survey has not been completed yet, scheduled for mid July

4. Physical removal of EWM by the outlet channel and the rest of the lake should occur throughout

the rest of the summer.

5. Fall EWM Bed Mapping to occur in late September/early October


Little Trade Lake


1. 2014 Early Season Treatment Proposal

a. 8.23 acres of CLP at 2.0 ppm Aquathol K (liquid endothall)

b. 6.12 acres of EWM at 3.0 ppm DMA 4 (liquid 2,4-D)

2. Pre-treatment Aquatic Plant Survey completed on 5/15/2014 by ERS

a. Both CLP and EWM was found, mostly in the north bay where the river comes in

3. Early season CLP and EWM treatments could not be completed due to high water in Little Trade

a. NAS boat unable to get under the bridge

b. No alternative site for launching has been located

c. High water means lots of water moving into the north bay significantly increasing the

chance that the treatment would be ineffective, even if it were completed

4. Water diversion proposed for the inlet to Little Trade Lake

a. Requires special permitting, even though it was a very simple proposal

b. Will be considered for next year

5. Whole Bay EWM Treatment proposed for the north bay

a. 16.46 acres at 3.0 ppm DMA 4 (liquid 2,4-D)

i. Whole bay treatments provide longer contact times when water movement is a


ii. Initially accepted by the WDNR

b. Abundant rainfall leading to high water in the channel is still preventing passage of the

NAS boat

6. Post-treatment Survey was completed 6/16/2014 by ERS

a. EWM in the north bay is possibly the worst it has been since being introduced

b. Individual EWM plants and small clusters are starting to appear elsewhere on the lake

7. Due to the fact that water levels will likely remain high for another week or two at least, the

WDNR has pulled the plug on any EWM herbicide treatment in 2014 on Little Trade

a. No other management is planned

8. Physical removal of EWM is a must in Little Trade Lake throughout the rest of the summer. I

repeat, Physical removal of EWM is a must in Little Trade Lake throughout the rest of the


9. Fall EWM Bed Mapping will occur in late September/early October

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