June 20, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.

Meeting Minute

June 20, 2015


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President Jason Klous, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of the officers was taken by Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer. Jason Klous, President; Vicki Breault, Vice-President, Jack Lamont board member from Long Trade Lake, Bob Paleen board member from Round Lake were present.  Reid McFarlane board member from Trade Lake was absent. The meeting minutes from the May 16, 2015 meeting are posted on the association website so a motion was made to accept as posted by Bill Hiemke and 2nd by Anne Tuttle.  Motion carried. The Treasurers report was given based on the January 1 2015 through June 20, 2015 time frame. The report showed a net income for the period of $22,134.71, expenses $13,483.91, net income $8, 650.80 and Total Assets of $20,564.20.  A motion was made by Roger Breault and 2nd by Bob Paleen to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.

New Business

  • President, Jason Klous, report:
    • Lake Treatment Update:
    • Big Trade Lakes water quality good & treatment effective
    • Little Trade: treatment areas looked good & no EWM in North Bay
    • Round Lake: treated for EWM, outlet not treated & targeted for physical removal. Curly Leaf Pond weed found.
    • Long Trade Lake: plants are dying off however not as successful
    • No EWM in survey beds or pretreatment areas
    • It is not practical that we will kill all invasive species
      • Grant Status:
      • AIS grant ends in June 2016
      • Treatments completed out of AIS grant – only enough left for surveys
        • Purple Loose Strife:
        • Jason is raising
        • Found only on Round Lake
        • Beetles will only control it not get rid of it
        • Officer Reports:
          • Bob Paleen(Round Lake)
          • Lake quality testing is being completed
          • CBCW – Pete Kane & Bob Paleen have been participating
          • Jack is leading physical removal and needs volunteers
            • Jack Lamont(Long Trade Lake)
            • Attempted to remove EWM near his dock and found the roots to be deep and hard to pull.
            • 9 people took the stream monitoring training.
              • They measured the depth & width of the stream
              • Secchi disk shows tramidity
              • Current measured using flags & tennis balls
              • Learned how to dissolve oxygen
              • Did a drop net to pull out different critters, identify on chart and measure oxygen levels in the stream
              • 9 possible sites were identified
              • Purpose of stream monitoring is to tell the health of the lakes
              • Long Trade is an entry into all lakes and we will need to identify where phosphorus is coming from
              • Better water quality results in better plant growth; native plants as well as invasive species.
              • Vicki Breault (Long Trade Lake)
                • Rodger & Vicki went to Polk County Lakes & River Association meeting.  They are doing an aquatic strategic plan.
                • Suggested getting input from different lakes
                • We should join the Polk County Association for $25 a year.   A motion was made by Anne Tuttle and 2nd by Bill Hiemkes. Motion passed.
                • They also have templates for grants
                • Deer Lake Association has road captains on each road on the lake.  They keep the people on their road updated.  Vicki & Roger are going to attempt to implement on Long.

Jason Klous, president, mentioned that it was brought to his attention that EWM was found on Forest Lake Minnesota and they come into our lakes.

  • Physical Removal Day
    • July 25th from 9am-100pm
    • Meeting at Round Lake landing at 9am
    • Going on all 4 lakes
    • Need Kayaks & nets
    • Picnic will be at field by Trade Lake landing at 130pm
    • Some people will be in the lake some on the water
    • Volunteer hours; boats & resources count for hours
    • Physical removal could fragment, but fragments will die on their own

Member mentioned, on 126th St on Long Trade there is a family of beaver that are building over the DNR burn dam on the  westside of the road.  Who gets contacted to trap?  Township?

Meeting attendee asked about stocking fish in Round Lake.  DNR does not stock.  Individual lakes are responsible but need to get permission from DNR.  They mentioned they spoke to the DNR about stocking which can only be done through a sportsmen association but the lake is not big enough.  Can be order through the tribe.  Fishermen should be encouraged to take the littles pan fish.  Sunfish spread phosphorus and littles create greens.

Motion was made by Roger Breault to adjourn.  Bill Heimkes 2nd motion.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted.

Laurie M. Dezenzo


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