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Board Annual Financial Meeting January 17, 2015

Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.

Board Annual Financial Meeting

January 17, 2015


The meeting was called to order at 11:00 am by President  Jason Klous. Roll call of the officers was taken: Jason Klous, President, Vicki Breault, Vice President, Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer, Jack Lamont board member from Long Trade Lake, Robert Paleen board member from Round Lake and Reid McFarlane board member from Trade Lake were all present.

The 2014 Financial Report reflected a total income of $22749.26 which included grant reimbursements of $17,667.69.  The total expenses incurred were $28,844.95 which gave a total net income for the year of -$6095.69. Jack Lamont made a motion to accept the Financial report as presented.  Vicki Breault second.  Motion carried.

The 2014 year end financials were accepted.

Jason Klous presented a budget for the 2015 fiscal year based on the actual from 2014.  This will be posted on the RTLIA website.

Dave Blumer from SEH reviewed the 2015 Aquatic Plant Management Proposal (Long Trade, Round, Little Trade & Big Trade.

*Long Trade Lake post mapping showed little EWM and most appeared in the channel.  There were 9 beds of CLPW which should be treated 3 years in a row.  It was asked if we could only treat CLPW. The answer was no because the grant & plan were for EWM as well.  A discussion of treatment; liquid vs granular herbicide was discussed and if we would save money if we just treat CLPW.  Also discussed the use of a fence around the channel but it involves permits and landowner permission. Treatment in long will be with granular.

Jack Lamont has put together the request for the Long Trade Lake Improvement Grant for a native plant restoration.  The west shore near the south end and on the east shore near the north end appear to be the locations to plant because they are not heavily with plants and they are protected from boat traffic & weather.  If the grant is not approved, Dave Blumer suggested that Matt Berg may be willing to take it over and make it a classroom project.  Also it was mentioned that the planting is depended on water clarity for growth of native plants.

                *Round Lake has an EWM focus.  Contact Herbicide was used in 2014.  Physical removal may

have caused more growth with spores breaking off and putting in fences in 4 ft of water is an option but based on the permit needed it is not a favorable option.  Bob Paleen, board member for Round Lake is planning on doing 2 physical removals; one in June and then another in August.  The question was asked if treatment could be eliminated in the beds where physical removal is done and it was noted that it is possible.


*Little Trade Lake treatment in 2014 was complicated due to the high water.  DNR wouldn’t allow treatment once native plants are up.  The northern 2/3 of the bay is native plants.  We could treat 5 ½ acres and try to do fence with liquid chemicals which would cut costs.  Don’t want to do too early due to high waters and June 15th is the latest to allow treatment.  Need to treat a total of 6 ½ acres.  The biggest issue would be access.


*Big Trade Lake could be included in original grants because EWM is new to Big Trade.  However a $20,000 Rapid Response Grant is being applied for.  Matt Berg physically removed EWM from 11 sites.  He found small beds which are approximately 1/10th of an acre.  The plan is to treat 1.42 acres granularly.  Physical removal should be planned and done.  There is a no tolerance on Big Trade meaning when EWM is found it needs to be treated immediately.


Jack Lamont made a motion to accept the treatment plan as presented.  Reid McFarlane second.  Motion carried.


Jason presented the 2015 budget.  Discussion followed.  Reid McFarland made a motion to accept the budget as presented.  Vicki Breault second.  Motion carried.


Discussion followed on ways to increase membership and meeting attendance.  It was mentioned for future board meetings that Dale Dressel & Matt Berg should present.  Also the first newsletter should contain what RTLIA completed and what is planned in the coming year.  Vicki presented having a fund raising raffle and raffle off an ATV.  Vicki and Roger Breault looked into the cost and profit that can be generated with ticket sales. 


Meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm.  Respectfully submitted Laurie M Dezenzo Secretary/Treasurer

August 16, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.

Meeting Minute

August 16, 2014


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President Jason Klous, followed be the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of the officers was taken: Jason Klous, President, Rick Thill, Vice President, and Jack Lamont board member from Long Trade Lake were present. Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer and Reid McFarlane board member from Trade Lake and Bob Paleen board member from Round Lake were absent. The meeting minutes from the June 21, 2014 meeting were not read.  A motion was made by Ramona LaMont and seconded by Bill Piotrowski to accept the minutes as posted online. Motion carried. The Treasurers report was given based on the January 1 2014 through August 16, 2014 time frame. The report showed a net income for the period of $7672.04 and Total Assets of $25,681.13.  The checking account was $20,719.79 and savings $4961.34.  This was due to a reimbursement of the grant. A motion was made by Jack LaMont and seconded by Kathy Mayerhofer to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.

New Business

  • Sue Wettergren a long time active member of the Lake Association from Trade Lake, passed away from a battle with cancer.  Sue and her husband Tom were volunteers for the bean feed and set up of the Trade Lake picnic.  Tom use to do the Secci readings.  A moment of silence took place.
  • Fundraisers and Membership Perks Ideas:
    • Card Tournament
    • Selling of Ad space in the newsletter (i.e. classified ads, something simple) discussed by Jack.  Rick Thill suggested posting ads on the website.  Rick Thill mentioned the list of members paid & unpaid on each lake.  There are 122 paid members this year.  There are approximately 350 lake shore owners at this time.  A question was asked where we get the addresses and Rick Thill explained they come from the county which has only mailing addresses no email addresses.
    • Bill Piotrowski asked about raffling of items.  Rick Thill mentioned it was done at the bean feed and at a time in the past at the 4th of July picnic.  Jack Lamont mentioned raffling off an ATV and sending tickets to members to sell.
    • Kathy Mayerhofer asked about a membership drive at the beginning of the season.  Rick Thill stated that we do our initial request for dues in the March/April mailing to all lake shore owners.  May newsletter we send out an invoice as well.  Kathy Mayerhofer mentioned going door to door.  Rick mention that would be up to the lake chairperson to designate a group of people to go to different sections of the lake.  It is best word of mouth.  Each person talking to their neighbor.  Rick suggested it start in January/February.  Kathy Mayerhofer asked when the last meeting was for the year and if we could organize a card tournament in February and if we need an approval.  Rick Thill stated that just the board would need to approve.  Jason stated we will keep it under discussion.

        Question was asked whether the owner of the resort on Round Lake was a member because he and some others volunteered at the EWM removal.  Jason and Rick mentioned we could look at the list.

  • EWM Physical Removal Day:
    • Overview of Day – met at 10am and Dave Blumer gave a brief training.  Round lake volunteers stayed on their lake and Long and Trade lake volunteers went to Trade Lake.  They spent about 2 hours on the lakes.  Lots of EWM was pulled from Round and they got a trailer full.  Trade Lake got about a ½ of a 55 gallon drum.
      • Number of Volunteers – 48 x4hrs @ $12 was about $2300 towards our portion of the grant
      • Boats & kayaks – 11 x 3 hrs @ $25 was about $825 towards our portion of the grant
      • Outlet on Round Lake & Channel on Big Trade Lake.  A lot of work completed in a short period of time. 
      • This will be used next year as well.  This will be part of our yearly plan because some areas you cannot treat in the strong current areas.
  • Special Thanks To the volunteers which were all the representatives from all the lakes.  Special thanks to Jack LaMont and Bob Paleen for gathering the volunteers.  They did a lot of work leading up to that day.  Thanks to Rick to organize the picnic after words.  And Dave Blumer for the training/workshop.


  • Purple Loosestrife Beetles Release
    • Thanks to Leon Moe for raising beetles.  Late June, early July Jason Klous and Dave Blumer went and looked at all 3 lakes and release them on Round Lake.  Released the beetles in the channel.  It was mentioned that there were some large plants were the lake meets highway 48.  They physically dug out but the other plant will need to be cut down and treated.  Rick Thill mentioned it could be treated with Roundup.  Channel left of the landing is where the beetles were released.  Beetles will travel and eat where ever they can find it.  Kathy Mayerhofer asked if beetles were going to be raised next year.  Jason Klous state it would be good to get a few more people.  Jason Klous also mentioned it was pretty easy.  You just get a plastic pool and Dave Blumer will supply the plants and beetles from the county and you throw a net over it.


  • Nominating Committee
    • Long Trade Lake Board Member
    • Trade Lake Board Member
    • Vice-President
    • Need nominating committee to reach out to individuals that are interested in filling the positions.  The committee is made up of 3-4 members.  Rick Thill volunteered.  Jack stated that we should do something different than what has been taking place and have nominating committee on each lake.  They would be a standing committee for two year.  Rather than the 30 days.  Jason Klous stated the bylaws say the nominating committee would stand for a year.  Jason Klous also mentioned the bylaws can be changed to have them state there would be a nominating committee on his lake but it is his concerned if they could even get committees on each lake and have that as a viable option.  Rick Thill has been trying to find someone.  It would be ideal to get one representative from each lake on the nominating committee.  Jack Lamont stated he can easily get a committee together on Long Trade.  Jason Klous stated it makes a huge difference on the lake when there is an active lake boardmember like Jack Lamont & Bob Paleen.  There is a nominating committee of one, Rick Thill, and Jack will work on getting a committee together on Long Trade.
    • Next Meeting
      • September 20th
      • Elections will take place.  Part of process for the positions up
      • Dave Blumer will present year end summary
      • Focus for next year

Rick suggested we do the elections prior to Dave Blumer’s presentation.

Question was asked regarding if email was the most effective way to communicate with people.  Jack LaMont & Bob Paleen use it a lot.  Jason Klous mentioned neighbor to neighbor is most effective.  There is a little momentum and we need to keep that going.

Merle Draper made a motion to adjourn.  Amy Klous 2nd.  Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted

Laurie M Dezenzo


June 21, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Round Trade Lake Improvement Association, Inc.

Meeting Minute

June 21, 2014


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President Jason Klous, followed be the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of the officers was taken: Jason Klous, President, Rick Thill, Vice President, Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer, Jack Lamont board member from Long Trade Lake and Bob Paleen board member from Round Lake were present. Reid McFarlane board member from Trade Lake was absent. The meeting minutes from the May 17, 2014 meeting were read by Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer.  A motion was made by Rick Thill and seconded by Ramona LaMont to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried. The Treasurers report was given based on the January 1 2014 through June 21, 2014 time frame. The report showed a net income for the period of -$7509.13 and Total Assets of $$10,499.96. A motion was made by Jack LaMont and seconded by Rick Thill to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried. Laurie Dezenzo, Secretary/Treasurer noted that there were only 78 paid members out of 333 lake shore owners.  She also mentioned that she is in the process of preparing the documents for a grant reimbursement and requested to those in attendance to enter their volunteer time on the website as soon as possible.

Old Business

  • Beetle Farm: Jason Klous, President, asked Leon Moe how his beetle farm for Purple Loosestrife was doing.  Leon stated that it was going very well.
  • Rapid Response Grant Status:  Rick Thill stated that after discussion with the DNR it was suggested that the lake association applies for an increase in the current AIS grant.  There is a balance in the current grant for Trade Lake treatment.
  • Spraying Status: Rick Thill read the status for each lake from the 2014 CLP/EWM Treatment Notes for the Round-Trade Lakes System (LEAPS).  He briefly discussed the water diversion proposal for the inlet to Little Trade Lake which was to put in silting but the DNR will not allow it.  The permit to do anything to the outlet will cost $700.  Also mentioned was the bay on Little Trade may not be treated due to the water level , flow and limited access to the area.  The entire treatment notes will be posted on the website.

New Business

  • Physical removal of EWM:  Date to physically remove EWM on each lake was discussed.  Date was set for Saturday August 9, 2014.  All interested volunteers will meet at Round Lake for training and then split off to own lake.  Contacts will be listed in the next Newsletter.  Also need to determine a dump site for the EWM that is removed.
  • Volunteer Status: Lake Quality Monitoring:  Dave Blumer has met with lake quality monitors with the exception of Trade Lake
  • CBCW Volunteer Status: Jack LaMont and Bob Paleen stated they have volunteers that are interested in participating.  There was an individual from the county that was at Round Lake the prior weekend checking boats.
  • It was stated by Jason Klous, President, it is extremely important we get volunteers this year in order to make our financial requirements or we will be in finance trouble.
  • Jason Klous, President, went over the dates and times for the 4th of July celebrations.

An individual in attendance asked if there was a way to post a wake restriction with the high water level.  Rick Thill stated that they would have to contact the township.

A motion to adjourn was made by Rick Thill and seconded by Jack Buechsler. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted

Laurie M Dezenzo


June 2014 CLP/EWM Treatment Notes from LEAPS


Long Trade Lake


1. Pre-treatment Aquatic Plant Survey completed 5/11/2014 by ERS (Matt Berg)

2. CLP Treatment completed 5/28/2014 by NAS (Dale Dressel)

a. 4.89 acres

b. 2.0 ppm Aquathol K (liquid endothall)

c. No other treatment planned

3. Post-treatment Aquatic Plant Survey completed 6/16/2014

a. No EWM found in Long Trade

b. CLP in treatment area sown

c. No CLP identified on the east shore

4. Inspection and removal of EWM should be done by volunteers on Long Trade throughout the

rest of the summer

5. Fall Bed Mapping to occur in late September/early October


Big Trade Lake


1. Pre-treatment Aquatic Plant Survey completed 5/16/2014 by ERS

2. CLP Treatment completed 5/28/2014 by NAS

a. 1.51 acres

b. 3.0 ppm Aquathol K (liquid endothal)

3. Post-treatment Aquatic Plant Survey completed 6/16/2014

a. CLP in treated areas killed

b. Most of the EWM in treated areas killed

c. Still lots of EWM in the channel downstream of Little Trade Lake where no treatment

was completed

4. EWM treatment still a possibility, will likely occur next week

5. Physical removal of EWM in the channel and the rest of the lake should occur multiple times this


6. Next official whole lake survey is scheduled in early August to be completed by ERS

7. Fall EWM Bed Mapping to occur in late September/early October


Round Lake


1. Pre-treatment Aquatic Plant Survey completed 6/7/2014 by ERS

2. EWM Treatment completed on 6/17/2014

a. 5.44 acres at 3.0 ppm DMA 4 (liquid 2,4-D)

b. 0.24 acres at 4.0 ppm Navigate (granular 2,4-D)

c. No other treatment planned

3. Post-treatment Aquatic Plant Survey has not been completed yet, scheduled for mid July

4. Physical removal of EWM by the outlet channel and the rest of the lake should occur throughout

the rest of the summer.

5. Fall EWM Bed Mapping to occur in late September/early October


Little Trade Lake


1. 2014 Early Season Treatment Proposal

a. 8.23 acres of CLP at 2.0 ppm Aquathol K (liquid endothall)

b. 6.12 acres of EWM at 3.0 ppm DMA 4 (liquid 2,4-D)

2. Pre-treatment Aquatic Plant Survey completed on 5/15/2014 by ERS

a. Both CLP and EWM was found, mostly in the north bay where the river comes in

3. Early season CLP and EWM treatments could not be completed due to high water in Little Trade

a. NAS boat unable to get under the bridge

b. No alternative site for launching has been located

c. High water means lots of water moving into the north bay significantly increasing the

chance that the treatment would be ineffective, even if it were completed

4. Water diversion proposed for the inlet to Little Trade Lake

a. Requires special permitting, even though it was a very simple proposal

b. Will be considered for next year

5. Whole Bay EWM Treatment proposed for the north bay

a. 16.46 acres at 3.0 ppm DMA 4 (liquid 2,4-D)

i. Whole bay treatments provide longer contact times when water movement is a


ii. Initially accepted by the WDNR

b. Abundant rainfall leading to high water in the channel is still preventing passage of the

NAS boat

6. Post-treatment Survey was completed 6/16/2014 by ERS

a. EWM in the north bay is possibly the worst it has been since being introduced

b. Individual EWM plants and small clusters are starting to appear elsewhere on the lake

7. Due to the fact that water levels will likely remain high for another week or two at least, the

WDNR has pulled the plug on any EWM herbicide treatment in 2014 on Little Trade

a. No other management is planned

8. Physical removal of EWM is a must in Little Trade Lake throughout the rest of the summer. I

repeat, Physical removal of EWM is a must in Little Trade Lake throughout the rest of the


9. Fall EWM Bed Mapping will occur in late September/early October

Notice of Aquatic Plant Management on Round Lake in Burnett County

Northern Aquatic Services

1061 240th street

Dresser WI 54009

715-495-5252 cell/boat 715-755-3507 home/office

Professional Aquatic Weed Control Services 3-21-2013

Dear Round-Trade Lake Riparian Property Owner,

The intent of this letter is to notify you that the Round-Trade Lake Improvement Association has hired Northern Aquatic Services, a herbicide application company for hire, to chemically treat the nuisance exotic aquatic vegetation (Eurasian watermilfoil and Curley leaf pondweed) in Little Trade, Long Trade, and Round Lakes this spring/summer. The Association is working with Matt Berg of Endangered Resource Services and Dave Blumer of S E H to survey the aquatic vegetation and delineate the presence of EWM and CLP. My treatment will largely be based upon their findings. The purpose of this letter is to notify property owner that a treatment may occur in front of or adjacent to your property. The herbicides I will use (DMA 4 and Aquathol K) are approved for aquatic use by the Environmental Protection Agency. Any water usage restrictions for the treated area will be posted on yellow signs in that area. The usage restrictions are for the area treated plus a 150-foot perimeter. The treatments will likely occur in mid-April to mid-May for CLP and mid-May or early June 2013 for EWM. If you have any questions you may contact Northern Aquatic Services at 715-755-3507, or the Wisconsin DNR’s Water Resources Management Specialist Jim Cahow at 715-537-5046. Chemical fact sheets are available upon request or at: Sincerely, Dale Dressel Northern Aquatic Services



2012 CLP Bed Maping

Endangered Resources Services LLC has completed the Curly Leaf Pondweed (CLP) bed maping and point intercept survey on all four of the association lakes. With this information we will now be able to update our Aquatic Plant Management (APM) plan and apply for the additional grant money needed to control CLP in our Lakes.

Long Trade CLP Bed Mapping –

Round Lake CLP Bed Mapping –

Big Trade Lake CLP Bed Mapping –

Little Trade Lake CLP Bed Mapping –


Here is a link to the initial APM  (Aquatic Plant Management)  plan.  This Plan is the first step and is required to apply for any DNR grants. The Round Trade Lake Improvement Association commisioned the Polk County Conservation Department to develope the draft plan and then employed SEH to review and complete the plan.
2012 APM Plan-